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Publikasi 2015

No. Judul Nama Dosen Dipublikasikan Pada
1 Aplikasi campuran serbuk kayu pinus dan fipronil sebagai umpan rayap tanah Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen( [Isoptera:Termitidae) di Bandung. Intan A. ;                               Ramadhani E. Putra Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia Vol. 12 (2): 73-79. 2015.
2  Resistensi lalat rumah, Musca domestica Linnaeus (Diptera: Muscidae) dari empat kota di Indonesia terhadap permetrin dan propoksur Intan A. Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia Vol. 12 (3): 123-128. 2015.
3 Insects Pollination of Zucchini Farming in Indonesia and their Economic  Importance Ramadhani E. Putra;                               Mia Rosmiati Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 14 (2): 84-88, 2015 ISSN 1682-3974. © 2015 Asian Network for Scientific Information
4 Assembling local, assembling food security Angga Dwiartama Agriculture and Human Values (online first)
5 From Food Security to the Enactment of Change: Introduction to the Symposium Angga Dwiartama Agriculture and Human Values (online first)
6 Resilience thinking, fluidity, and the agency of a quasi-actant Angga Dwiartama Dialogues in Human Geography (in press)
7 Worlds of Rice: Understanding agrifood systems as assemblages Angga Dwiartama Chapter Buku Richard Le Heron, Hugh Campbell, Nick Lewis & Michael Carolan (Eds). Biological Economies: Experimentation and the politics of agrifood frontiers. London, UK: Routledge Publishing.
8 The Potency of Trigona’s Propolis Extract as Reactive Oxygen Species Inhibitor in Diabetic Mice Ramadhani E. Putra Journal of Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences
9 Two Novel Volatile Compounds as the Key for Interspecific Colony Recognition in Macrotermes gilvus (Isoptera; Termitidae) Ramadhani E. Putra Journal of Entomology
10 Improving Economic Outcomes for Smallholder Growing Teak in Agroforestry System in Indonesia (pp 53-58) Tien Lastini Adoption of ACIAR Project Output 2015
11 Threat of Subterranean Termites Attack in the Asian Countries and their Control: A Review. Intan A. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 8: 227-239 (2015)
12 Penentuan Model Tarif Sumber Daya Air  Sebagai Kompensasi Jasa Ekosistem Kawasan Hutan Endang Hernawan;                       Hikmat Ramdhan;                       Yooce Yustiana Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia (Vol 1 Nomor 7/10 2015 Hal. 1735-1740)
13 Aplikasi HESSA ( Hydro Ecosystem Services Spatial Assessment) untuk Pemetaan Wilayah Penyedia dan Pengguna Air di Kawasan Hutan Pegunungan Hikmat Ramdhan Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversiti Indonesia. Volume 1, Nomor 7, Oktober 2015. Halaman : 1719-1724. ISSN: 2407-8050.
14 Local Knowledge of village community around conservation forest in their exploitation of Acacia nilotica seeds Mulyaningrum International Conference on Local Knowledge 2015
15 Potency of Local Insects Pollinators of Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus undatus) Ramadhani E. Putra Proceeding of 5th Basic Science International Conference (BaSIC)
16 Study on Pollinator Efficiency of Trigona sp. as Pollinator of Local Coffee: Behavior Assessment Ramadhani E. Putra Proceeding of 5th Basic Science International Conference (BaSIC)
17 Toksisitas insektisida golongan Organofosfat, Organoklorin, dan Piretroid pada lebah pencari makan Trigona laeviceps Ramadhani E. Putra Proseding Seminar Nasional Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia

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