The current (2021) members of the MSDH KK are 14 lecturers with various fields of expertise, namely biology, economics, forest management, sociology dan anthropologyVarious research and community service titles that can be carried out by lecturers amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of research studies includes producing standardized products, measuring ecosystem services for conservation, and food security. Meanwhile, community service activities focus on studies on strengthening the institutional capacity of BUMDes and cultivation methods to produce superior agricultural products. Where these studies contribute to overcoming current community problems, such as food security which indirectly also provides solutions in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research Domain
Integrated Resource Exploitation/Conservation Management
Some research topics include population and ecosystem management
Highlighted Publication
- Matar, Z., Dwiartama, A., & Suantika, G. (2021). The Effect of Implementing the Integrated Management System in Desalination Plants in Conflict Zones: Case Study on the Gaza Strip. Future Cities and Environment, 7(1).
- Dwiyanti, E. I., Shibata, S., Nukina, R., Lastini, T., & Hernawan, E. (2021). Designing Wildlife Corridor Along Cikapundung River in Bandung Urban Area (Indonesia) based on Comparation with Kamo River in Kyoto (Japan). HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, 28(1), 83-83.
Integrated Farming Management
Some research topics include increasing production for aquaculture, agriculture and forestry systems
Highlighted Publication
- Putra, R. E., Sulistia, W. N., Kinasih, I., Raffiudin, R., Purnobasuki, H., Soesilohadi, R. H., … & Juansa, A. (2022). Comparison of common green bottle flies (Lucilia sericata Meigen) and stingless bees (Tetragonula laeviceps Smith) as pollinating agents for imported true shallot (Allium cepa L.) seed production. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 56(2), 409-416.
- Rosmiati, M., Putra, R.E., Lastini, T., Hernawan, E., Pujo, P., Rahmayunita, I., Maulana, F.R., Liesdiana, F., Nurdiansyah, M.A. and Azis, A., 2020. Sustainability Analysis of Dairy-Horticulture Integrated Farming System. Journal of Agricultural Sciences – Sri Lanka, 15(2), pp.290–298.
Integrated Market Management
Some research topics include determining Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) and market prices.
Highlighted Publication
- Neilson, J., Dwiartama, A., Fold, N., & Permadi, D. (2020). Resource-based industrial policy in an era of global production networks: Strategic coupling in the Indonesian cocoa sector. World Development, 135, 105045.
- Silalahi, N. H., Yudha, R. O., Dwiyanti, E. I., Zulvianita, D., Feranti, S. N., & Yustiana, Y. (2019). Government policy statements related to rice problems in Indonesia. Journal of Biological Science, 3(1), 35-41.
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