In order to carry out one of the obligations in the tridharma of higher education, the Biological Resources Management Research Group (KK MSDH) organizes various community service (PM) activities involving lecturers and students from various study programs. Community service activities are spread across various locations in Indonesia, ranging from West Java to areas outside Java. Through these activities, lecturers and students have the opportunity to transfer the knowledge and technology of utilizing biological resources - most of which are the results of research - to communities in need. In addition, PM activities always prioritize the empowerment of local communities so that it is expected to improve welfare in the economic aspect. By utilizing various funding sources, both from the government and the private sector, PM activities are expected to be able to increase the relevance of MSDH KK among the people of Indonesia in general and West Java in particular.
Penguatan Kapasitas Manajemen dan Kelembagaan BUM Desa
PI: Dr. Ir. Yooce Yustiana
Program pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Desa Cinanjung, Kecamatan Tanjungsari, Kabupaten Sumedang, khususnya kepada BUM Desa Mandiri Cinanjung, dalam bentuk pelatihan kelembagaan BUM Desa dan pembuatan pembukuan keuangan BUM Desa. Selain itu, dijelaskan mengenai peran BUM Desa sebagai stimulan untuk menumbuh-kembangkan swadaya masyarakat dimana pengelolaannya dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat desa itu sendiri. Sehingga, diharapkan dapat berjalan mandiri serta menaungi usaha-usaha kecil yang ada di Desa Cinanjung.