Prof. Dr. Intan Ahmad, Ph.D.
Ketua Kelompok Keahlian
Manajemen Sumber Daya Hayati
The Biological Resources Management Scientific/Skill Group, abbreviated as KK MSDH, has a vision of“Multidisciplinary science to achieve sustainable bioindustry integration by responding to global market tendencies”.In an effort to respond to the vision and the development of science, the MSDH Research Group sets the KK roadmap objectives, namely developing scientific MULTIDISCIPLINEenvironmental science + natural science + social science + humanity sciencewhich includesbody of knowledge conservation, economics, management, bussiness, sociology, dan anthropologyin sustainable biological resource management.
The current (2021) members of the MSDH KK are 14 lecturers with various fields of expertise, namely biology, economics, forest management, sociology dan anthropologyVarious research and community service titles that can be carried out by lecturers amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of research studies includes producing standardized products, measuring ecosystem services for conservation, and food security. Meanwhile, community service activities focus on studies on strengthening the institutional capacity of BUMDes and cultivation methods to produce superior agricultural products. Where these studies contribute to overcoming current community problems, such as food security which indirectly also provides solutions in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic.
In improving the knowledge and professionalism of lecturers in their fields, as well as building links with the best lecturers from other best universities, on November 5 and 12, 2021, the MSDH KK held a Visiting Professor program, Visiting Profesorwhich on this occasion we invited Assoc. Prof. Paul V. Stock from Dept. of Sociology and Environmental Studies Program The University of Kansas, USThe agenda of activities, on Nov. 5, 2021, he shared knowledge with the topic “Who (or What) Will Grow Our Food? Considering Freedom, Care, and Technology in the Lives of Farmers”with participants other than MSDH KK lecturers also attended by students, and on Nov. 12, 2021 a discussion between Assoc. Prof. Paul V. Stock and KK MSDH lecturers, about research topics that might be collaborated. Assoc. Prof. Paul V. Stock is interested in the topic of how plants/trees provide benefits to human health.
Another thing that has been produced by the lecturers of the MSDH Research Group in 2021 is compiling a book entitled “FLOWERS OF RAMPAI SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT”.This book contains the results of research by lecturers according to their fields, it is hoped that this book can be a reference for how sustainable biological resource management is carried out on various potential biological-based resources.
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